Episode 002


Old House Expectations : AKA
Reality TV is Lying to You

We've all done it. You watch a few episodes of TV shows on a certain network, and suddenly your head is full of hopes, dreams, timelines, and budgets for your home that only have the loosest base in reality. In this episode, Jake & Katelyn talk about what are good expectations to have as you get into home renovations/home ownership. Katelyn shares some lessons she has learned in her time working with houses... and then Jake & Katelyn go off the rails sharing renovation war stories and experiences they've had with DIY and projects.

Fair warning - This episode is largely conversational and a bit like hanging out with the hosts for an hour, wacky conversational detours included. This may pair better with a glass of wine than a cup of tea, but we will let you be the judge.


Listen to full episode :


Episode 003


Episode 001