Episode 008


All About Windows (Part 2)

In this LONG awaited part 2 of the Window episode, Katelyn & Jake continue their deep dive. Part 2 includes an overview of repair and restoration techniques (though we highly recommend checking out a hands-on class or at least some YouTube videos to round out your learning experience) as well as a rapid-fire list of why you might want to save your old windows over replacing them.

If you've been waiting patiently for this episode and wondering if we fell off the face of the earth, Jake has a special message for you:

Hey, this is Jake, and I just want to say that I'm so sorry! My life got a little wild there for a minute, and I did a crazy thing (started law school). Katelyn and I recorded this audio in OCTOBER, but I just finished editing it into this episode. My bad. If you have stuck around and are still following along, THANK YOU!

We hope to get back to more regular recording and publishing, though we make no promises as to monthly episodes... quarterly might be more realistic. We will try, though! Thanks for sticking around!


Listen to full episode :


Episode 007